Pink Moon G Spot Lump Glass Dildo Review

Pink Moon G Spot Lump Glass Dildo

We’re always intrigued by new and exciting sex toys, and the Pink Moon G Spot Lump Glass Dildo caught our attention with its unique material. It turns out it’s great and has accompanied me through many quiet nights.

Next, we’ll give you a detailed introduction to its specifications, features, and use feeling, so you can have a comprehensive understanding of this product. If our article helps you, please don’t hesitate to follow us. Your support is our biggest motivation to keep updating.

Rating: (4.7/5)


  • Price: $23.05
  • Material: Glass
  • Size: 8.38 inches
  • Weight: 0.33lb

Use Feeling

As you can see, unlike traditional dildos, this one is made of glass. It’s not as soft as silicone, but it’s firm enough. The smooth surface is very comfortable for me, and the weighty feeling adds to the satisfaction. You might think that using a glass toy would feel cold, but my experience tells me it doesn’t. You can run it under warm water or even soak it in cold water to enhance the sensation.

The handle at the bottom is designed like a crescent moon, which is interesting. However, I have to say that it’s not the most convenient to hold. So I usually use it with the help of my partner, freeing up my hands.

This is the first time I’ve tried a glass sex toy, and it’s exciting. At first, it wasn’t easy to insert, but with plenty of lubrication and a slow and relaxed approach, and not trying to pull it out too quickly, the glass slid in well and felt great. It’s also easy to clean with just water, but you do need to be careful not to drop it when storing it.


While this magic wand won’t teach you magic, it can give you a unique sexual experience. This Pink Moon G Spot Lump Glass dildo is made of high-quality, body-safe glass, with a curved body designed to effortlessly reach your G-spot. Its unique blocky shape ensures targeted stimulation, providing an experience you won’t soon forget.

Glass toys are different from ordinary dildos in that they tend to be cooler to the touch. Unlike a typical penis, which carries heat, glass can give you an extraordinary sensation. The smooth body makes it easier to insert into the anus or vagina. And its biggest feature is its strong temperature retention ability. You can put it in the fridge to get an extremely cold temperature, for a special experience of a cold toy entering the vagina.


  • Beautiful styling
  • Unique glass material for a different experience
  • The curved body of the bar can stimulate your G-spot
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Privacy in a package


  • Heavier weight


Overall, this is a beautiful toy. If you want some more intense torment play, I suggest you warm it up first by placing it on your hand or under your armpits or something similar. Of course, you can also use a cup of warm water, but be very careful. If you heat it for too long, the wand can become very hot and cause burns. I’m sure it will bring you some fun memories.

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